One of the phrases I hear all the time is: "Isaac's watching over you!" or something to that effect.
But I disagree.
I don't think he is. In fact, I actually hope he isn't.
If I believed Isaac was watching over me, then for me, everything I believe about Heaven would be wrong.
Heaven is supposed to be this amazing, awe inspiring, beautiful, wonderful, beyond perfect place. There is no pain, no sorrow, no tears in Heaven. So how then, can I think that Isaac would choose to spend his time watching me here on this crummy earth? When we are in Heaven, we are supposed to spend our time worshipping at the feet of God. Why would I think Isaac would choose me over God?
I think that the moment Isaac crossed over into Heaven, he either just in some divine way knew everything important that would happen in the lives of those he loved, or it just didn't matter what was happening here on earth because he was so darn excited to be in Heaven!
If I can equate it to anything, it is sort of like the time I was home with Isaac before he died. I didn't think about what was going on at school, what my students were doing, how my substitute was doing...because the time I was spending with Isaac was so precious and valuable that I didn't care what happened anywhere else. I hope that's how it is for him now, that the time he is spending with God is so sweet and so precious and so wonderful that he doesn't think about life on earth.
I told Isaac I'd be okay. And I am. I think a large part of that comes from this belief that he is not "watching over me". Strange, yes. But, I think if I believed he was watching me, I'd hang on to him more...and he clearly told me that he did not want me to hang to him. Of course I will always love him and I will carry our memories close to my heart.
I believe Isaac is not watching over me, but that's okay...because my Savior sure is!